GEORGE HENRY HOLZGRAEFE, billiard and sample room, cigars, wines and liquors, Havana; Mr. Holzgreefe, son of John W. Holzgrsefe, whose sketch is given above, was born in Havana Township, this county, Jan. 26, 1842. He was raised a farmer, and worked on his father's farm till about 26 years of age. In 1866, he engaged in his present business, which he has since followed. He was married, in 1867, to Miss Anna Devermann, who was born in Hanover, Germany. They have had seven children by this union, six of whom are living: Matilda C., born June 25, 1868; Frederick W., Sept. 11, 1869; Julia. A., July 3, 1871; Oscar R., April 1,1873; Augusta, Aug. 11, 1876; John Darwin, Nov. 22, 1878, and Katie M., born May 1, 1875, died Aug. 1, of the same year. Mr. Holzgreefe is a member of Havana Lodge, No. 88, A., F. & A. M. and Havana Grove, No. 40, U. A. O. D.